In Memoriam
Nuccio Ordine
Knowledge is movement, infinite quest; Giordano Bruno’s idea that “every pleasure consists only in a definite transit, journey, and motion”, can be used as a motto to remember Nuccio Ordine’s achievements, his infinite passion and inexhaustible commitment, as scholar, pedagogue, editor. He gained international recognition for his contributions to thematic criticism, to the development of…
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Peil
[ENG/GER] We are very sad to announce the death of Prof. Dr Dietmar Peil. Unexpectedly for us all, he died on 19th August 2022 after a short illness. He was full of plans for new books, and was working intensely on his research on the emblematics of the ‘Litany of Loreto’ and on publications about…
Professor Margaret M. McGowan (1931-2022)
History will probably remember Margaret M. McGowan primarily as a historian of dance, and her interdisciplinary approach brought new rigour and depth to that area of study. Yet her research interests, while always founded in this same interdisciplinary approach, extended much more widely. She published, both as author and editor, on central areas of French…
Prof. Dr. Christine McCall Probes
We are very sad to announce that Prof. Christine McCall Probes, born on April 16th 1943, passed away on November 14th 2021. In 1975 she joined the University of South Florida, and in 2008 she was promoted to full Professor of French Literature. Christine Probes was decorated Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the…
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Harms
The SES mourns the loss of a senior scholar in our field, Professor Wolfgang Harms, Munich. Since 1979 he served as a professor of German literature at the University of Munich, where he continued to teach and conduct research after his retirement in 2004. With a keen eye for topics that crossed epochs and cultures,…
Memorial: Seraina Plotke
Mit großer Traurigkeit müssen wir den Tod von Prof. Dr. Seraina Plotke anzeigen. Seit dem Sommersemester 2019 war sie Professorin für Germanistische Mediävistik am Germanistischen Institut der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. Am 27. Oktober 2020 ist sie im Alter von nur 48 Jahren in ihrer Heimatstadt Basel verstorben. Seraina war eine fachlich engagierte, erfolgreiche Wissenschaftlerin und Lehrerin…
Memorial: Barbara Bowen
Barbara Bowen passed away in Autumn 2019, leaving a legacy of outstanding work in Renaissance humor and facetiae with a primary focus on Rabelais and Montaigne. She was a meticulous scholar and superb linguist, as is evidenced by one of her more labor-intensive and extremely valued publications, “Renaissance Collections of facetiae, 1344-1490: A New Listing.” Renaissance Quarterly 39…
Dan Russell
Dear Lila, dear friends and colleagues of Dan, It is with immense sadness that we learned that Daniel Russell, our dear friend, mentor, colleague, and founding member of the “Society for Emblem Studies”, has died after his long illness. Ever generous with his time and insights, we have all been profoundly influenced by his scholarship…