Dear Colleague
Considering the current circumstances caused by the spread of Covid-19, the Organizing Committee of the 12th Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies decided to postpone the meeting. It will take place in Coimbra, from June 28 to 3 July 2021.
We have issued a general certificate stating that the Conference will be postponed (please see attachment).
Unless you withdraw your proposal, we intend to keep the previous programme, adapting it to the new dates. We will open a new period of call for papers until the 31st October 2020. Please spread this information among your contacts. We believe that this will be a good occasion to join more participants. Post nubila clarior!
For those who have already paid and will not be able to attend next year, please send an email to [email protected] (indicating your IBAN) and the University of Coimbra will refund your registration fee. The deadline for reimbursement requests is 30 June, 2020. For those who have already registered, it will not be necessary to do it again. For those who didn’t, the new deadline for reduced fees will be January 31, 2021. Regular registration will be open until April 30, 2021.
We will be in touch again soon with more details on the proceedings guidelines. The final text should be delivered by the end of July, 2021.
Finally, we want to express our gratitude to each of you for your patience and understanding. While we are facing this worldwide challenge, we keep in mind this emblematic composition displayed on the ephemeral arches hold in the royal festivals of 1666, during a war period in Portugal.
With the promise of new and better times to come, we look forward to seeing you at SES Conference Coimbra 2021.
Best wishes
Ingrid Hoepel
José Julio GarcÃa Arranz
José Carlos Seabra Pereira
Manuel Ferro
Filipa Araújo
Organizing Committee
Coimbra, June 28-July 3, 2021