Call for Editors: Journal of the Northern Renaissance

The Journal of the Northern Renaissance is seeking new recruits to its editorial team. Established in 2009, JNR is a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal dedicated to the study of both the cultural productions and the concept of the Northern Renaissance.

As several members of the current editorial team will be either moving on or taking up additional duties over the coming year, we are looking for three new editors. For each of these roles (see below) previous editorial experience and/or knowledge of online publishing and coding would be valuable but is not necessarily required. Equally important will be a willingness to learn and to work together with fellow editors, and a passionate interest in the Northern Renaissance, reflected in both a research specialism and a broader curiosity about the wider field.

JNR’s remit includes literature, art and architectural history and material cultures, musicology, philosophy, politics, theology and the history of science. In recruiting new editors we hope to strengthen the journal’s interdisciplinary nature, and we would therefore welcome applications from across this range of disciplines. We would also especially welcome prospective editors from outside the UK, and those who are working on less-studied aspects of the Northern Renaissance.

These positions are, at present, unpaid: we all give our time voluntarily. However, they do offer an invaluable opportunity to develop useful skills and networks, to witness the peer reviewing and publishing process from within, and to broaden one’s engagement with the rich variety of contemporary scholarship on the Renaissance in the north and its manifold conceptualizations.

The roles we are seeking to fill are as follows:

(a) Associate/General Editor

The new editor will work with the current editor and associate editors to produce new issues, identify and approach peer reviewers, and determine the future direction of the journal. S/he will also help develop Polaris, a new JNR venture publishing shorter discussion pieces and polemics. We hope to recruit an associate editor who in 6-12 months’ time will be ready and willing to take over as General Editor, with overall responsibility for JNR. We would expect the new editor to already be an established scholar with a good publication record. An ability to network, and to engage with topics and scholars beyond one’s immediate research specialisms, would also be invaluable.

(b) Associate Editor (Reviews)

JNR publishes book and exhibition reviews on a rolling basis. We are looking for a new reviews editor who will take responsibility for soliciting books for review, identifying and contacting reviewers, and editing and posting reviews to the journal website as they are received.

(c) Assistant Editor

The assistant editor will aid the editorial team in preparing articles for online publication, and also contribute to the running of Polaris. The role would be ideally suited to a doctoral student.

To apply for one or more of these posts, please send a short CV (no more than 4 sides) to[email protected], together with a brief covering letter or email (no more than 500 words) saying why you think you would be well suited to JNR, by 1 September 2015. Informal enquiries can also be addressed to us at this email address.